Andrea is a registered social worker with over 30 years experience working with children and families, through various agencies including 21 years in Child Welfare, and as a policy advisor on Child Welfare to the Minister of Community and Social Services. In private practice, Andrea offers services and interventions for families experiencing a child with special needs including children on the autism spectrum, ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, Anxiety and OCD. She offers individual counselling for adults and children, family counselling, and is a therapist for Aspiria EAP services. Andrea offers an a variety of approaches including cognitive behaviour therapy, solution-focused therapy, mindfulness and collaborative-problem solving. For children she incorporates a play style model and utilizes various modes of interventions such as books, videos, games, and educational materials.
Her private practice also provides specialized services related to families impacted by separation and divorce including: custody and access assessments, family mediation, reintegration therapy, voice of the child reports, therapeutic services for children and families, and After Care services for the Family Bridges Program. She is a member of The Ontario College of Certified Social Workers and Social Service Workers, the Ontario Association of Social workers, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and a clinical agent for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer. She has been deemed an expert in Section 30 Assessments, Reconciliation Therapy, Parenting and Child Therapy by the courts.